Tuesday, 22 of October of 2024

My Cill Rialaig Diary.

Day 14, Sunday 15th March 2009

The Skelligs, next stop America.

Today is my final day at Cill Rialaig. There will be no painting done today; I will need all my time to pack my wet canvases for transportation. The idea of my stint being over is making me a bit sad, but that’s compensated when I see how much I have achieved in two short weeks. I have definitely completed enough work to create the backbone of my upcoming solo show in Dublin. In my mind I am already moving ahead, thinking about a catalogue and a title for the show, maybe “Decade” to mark the ten years since my return to Ireland to paint her landscapes.

I stack the piles of canvases at the door, ready to load the van. Half of the canvases remain unpainted as I brought much more with me than I ever could have managed, but at least I always had the option of reaching for any format at any time. I find myself lingering to take in the view each time I am outside. It’s a beautiful day and I can see for miles.

When all the art stuff is in the van then I can start on my domestic gear and tidying up. It’s amazing how lived-in the place looks after such a short stay. When all the clearing and tidying is done the vacant studio/living area echoes.

The light is fading and I step outside again to see the sea. I’ll be back.

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